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  • fanirathod

Ways To Get Rid Of Nocturnal Emission

Many men wonder if they have a nocturnal emission (NRE) and if they should be worried about it. The answer is yes and no. A nocturnal emission, tellingly called a wet dream sex dream, nightwalk, sex dream or orgasm, is an involuntary, random, brief sexual orgasm during sleep which includes orgasm for either a man or vaginal penetration or both for a woman. Men experience nocturnal emission regularly, but only some women do, whereas for women, nocturnal emission is fairly common. Women's nocturnal emission can range from mildly arousing to very powerful, often lasting for minutes or hours.

Nocturnal emissions are not dangerous in themselves, however they can be extremely dangerous when they happen regularly. If they wake a woman up out of her sleep with a nocturnal emission during the course of the night, she could become severely ill, as nocturnal emission can cause several complications during pregnancy. These complications include miscarriage, premature birth, stillborn and neonatal death. They can also cause stress or depression to the woman. However, most women who have nocturnal emissions see no harm in their sleep and feel no guilt or shame.

Adult wet dreams is much more common with women who are anxious, worrying or tense about any pending sexual activity. In this state, her mind is filled with tension, and as such will involuntarily have an orgasm or multiple orgasms during the night, nocturnally. In other words, the nocturnal emission is caused by the anxiety the woman is feeling, rather than any pathology in her body.

There is no hard proof that there is any link between nocturnal emission and puberty. One study did find a correlation between early ejaculation and the onset of gender identity disorder in some cases. However, many experts believe that the link between gender identity disorder and nocturnal emission may be due to a lack of sensitivity at this time. Many of them argue that the link may exist only in cases where the man stimulates his genitals before and during puberty.

A minority of sexologists believe that early ejaculation causes wet dreams or nocturnal emissions. They argue that men ejaculate sooner than women do at that stage of development and that, on a physiological level, they are nocturnal during that time. Men may also be more sensitive than women to erotic stimuli. Also, the average male orgasm is smaller than the female orgasm and, as such, causes less pain to the male than the female orgasm. This theory may explain why there is nocturnal emission with sexual arousal that has taken place hours or even days prior to penetration.

Nocturnal emissions are not strongly correlated with guilt feelings, marital satisfaction, frequency of intercourse and age. They are most strongly associated with feelings of guilt, shame and powerlessness. Men who believe that they ejaculate too frequently have difficulty accepting their bodies as they are and thus they suffer from severe emotional distress. Men with erectile dysfunctions may also experience frequent nocturnal emissions.

Nocturnal emissions may occur even when one is fully awake. In cases where people cannot control their sleepwalking or where they wake up through nocturnal emission it is difficult to determine whether these emissions are truly random or driven by some sexual desire. Men suffering from erection problems may also experience wet dreams. Their inability to maintain an erection long enough to complete intercourse often leads to these dreams. Erectile dysfunction may also lead to the occurrence of multiple nocturnal emissions over a long period of time.

Wet dreams are not uncommon in people undergoing puberty get this disease herbal medicine from hakim ajmal khan. Frequent nocturnal emissions are often observed in adolescent males. However, it is not uncommon to observe these dreams during adulthood too. Men experiencing from increased levels of stress may also exhibit these dreams quite regularly. While masturbating frequently is not a recommended practice for treating erectile dysfunction, excessive masturbation may lead to the development of the condition.

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